Journal of Medical Education Commlesion (JMEC) About the Journal


Publication of JVEC started from July 2020 by Medical Education Commission of Nepal. The aim of JMEC is to promote and provide a common platform to publish the scientific works in the field of medical education as well as to foster the knowledge, disseminate the innovative ideas, technologies, teaching leaming techniques in this field.

Publication: It is published biannually, in the month of January and July and is peer reviewed eternally and externally,

Languages: JMEC accepts articles both in English and Nepali languages.

Field of Articles:

JMEC publishes articles from the field of medical education, medical and bioethics, teaching-learning methodology, communication skits, student-teacher training methodologies, innovations in medical education, online teaching-learning, telemedicine in medical education, national international policies in medical education, global standards in medical education and more. Beside this, it also publish student centered articles in medical ethics and medical education.

Guideline for submission of manuscripts

JMEC requires that the manuscript submitted are the original work of the authors and it is not sted anywhere else before submission to JMEC. Authors are solely accountable for their works, views and opinions expressed in the submitted manuscript Manuscript should be submited duly signed by authors declaring conflict of interest and funding sources and with a covering letter addressing to the chief editor, JVEC. Electronic submission is encouraged. In case of hard copy submission, the manuscript should be typed in double spaced, only one side A4 size paper, with Times New Roman, font size 12

The manuscript should mention the corresponding author with full name, designation, comesponding email address and contact number

JMEC does not charge any fees to the authors

[0:26 pm, 07/11/2023] @rijit: Types of articles

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Authors are required to categorize the articles as original article, review article, case report short communication, student articles as follows

Original article the innovative and scientific works done by medical educators/ researchers /policy makers/ administrators/ heath financers/ education financers.

Review article – on critical analysis of works published in scientific Iterature and policies related to medical education. The source should be mentioned for data collection, selection of data location methods, extraction and analysis of data if any.

Case studyreport on relevant topics particularly medical education. If any photographs are included, separate informed consent is required.

Short communication expressing author’s observations, views on the issues which are debatable and controversial or relevant to current issues with their personal view on specific areas. For example medical education, ethics etc.

Size of articles

Category of articio Abstract

(excluding rolerences)

Up to 3000 words

words References

Original article

Up to 250 words

Up to 4000 words

Review article

Up to 250 words

Up to 1000 words

Up to 100

Case studyreport

Up to 150 words

Not applicable

Up to 50

Up to 1500 words

Up to 15

Short communication

Up to 10

Medical education for students / by students Articles written by students-medical, dental, nursing, alled science but must comply the terms and conditions as mentioned in general for original article review article, case report, short communication as well as guideline for manuscript submission and
[0:26 pm, 07/11/2023] @rijit: will undergo the peer review process. JMEC encourages student’s articles and publishes with priority.

Editorials-Editorials are prepared by the editorial board. Guest editorials are sought by invitation to the experts.


Authors are required to follow Vancouver system of referencing. Here are the examples of citation

Joumal article

Adhikari B. Mishra SR. Urgent need for reform in Nepal’s medical education. Laget 2016:388(10061):27309-2740

Chakal AK, Shankar PR, Dhakal S, Shrestha D, Piyani FM Medical Humanities in Nepat Present Scenario. J Nepal Med Assoc. 2014,52/193):751-754

Dixit H. Development of medical education in Nepal Kathmandu Univ Med J. 2009:7(25) 8-10.

Baral N, Paudel BH, Das BK, et al. An evaluation of training of teachers in medical education in four medical schools of Nepal, Nepal Med Coll J. 2007;9(3):157-161.

Journal article published online ahead of print

Abeya A, Acharya J. Distant virtual medical education during COVID-19: Half a [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 18). Clin Teach 2020.10.1111/t13185

Chapter of an edited book

Craven R. Why teach Aboriginal Studies? In: Craven R, ed. by. Teaching Aboriginal studies. 2nd Crows Nest: Alen & Unwing 2011. p. 18.

Review Process and Publication Policy

All the manuscript received are duly acknowledged by JMEC Editorial Board. They are preliminary screened for the requirements as they are not simultaneously submitted elsewhere other than JMEC as declared by authors, duly signed cover letter to the chief editor, preferably categorized article by the authors (original article, review article, case report, short communication) fulfilling the requirement as described in types of manuscript. The articles with flaws in technical, scientific or ethical content will not be considered for publication process

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

The screened manuscripts are then proceeded for review by external reviewers other than JMEC as a peer review process JMEC communicates to the author with the reviewer’s comments for correction if suggested and has the right to accept, to make re-correction and resubmit or reject the manuscript

Acceptance of manuscript is communicated to the corresponding author in writing and proceeded for publication process

Accepted articles are submitted for peer review, grammatical editing, formatting in JMEC style Page proofs are sent to corresponding authors before publication,

Ethical Clearance Works involving the humans or data collected with drect involvement of participants will need an ethical dearance letter duly signed by the authorized ethics committee. A the data involving participants should be anonymized.

Corresponding address

The Chief Editor

Journal of Medical Education Commission Medical Education Commission,

Santhin, Bhaktapur

E-mal address:

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