
We are going to tell you how many hours you should study after that lesson on why you shouldn’t be concerned with the number of hours you study for MBBS admission in Nepal.

However, we mostly do this for those who require a guide. Someone who enjoys being told how hard they should work. we understand how you feel, which is why we have included this piece.

So, how much time should you devote to studying?

According to a 2018 research, the top-performing student studied for 6-8 hours each day.

The majority of pupils, on the other hand, studied for 3-5 hours every day.According to studies, spending more time studying corresponds with better exam scores.

Some research, however, are inconclusive. The number of hours spent studying per week for an MBBS admission in Nepalshowed little prognostic value for the USMLE exam, according to a 2015 study.

There is no correct answer, however it appears that studying for 6-8 hours is the greatest option for getting excellent grades in tests for MBBS Nepal. It may appear difficult, but it is possible. Remember, you’ll only need to put in that kind of effort in the weeks coming up to your examinations, not the entire year.

Do not feel obligated to study for more than 8 hours every day. Studying for that long did not result in better exam results, implying that burnout occurred at that time.It’s crucial to keep in mind that what works for one kid might not work for another, so discover the right balance for you.

Don’t feel bad if you think 3 hours of studying every day is adequate. I’m in the same class as you and can manage an entire online company on the side!

Recognize that studying more does not guarantee success. Check out my blog on medical school dropout rates if you’re still not convinced. we talk about renowned dropouts, and some of the names on the list might surprise you.

How to Study for a Longer Time

Here are some of the most helpful hints for studying more every day:Don’t overestimate your time – If you think your examinations are a long distance off, you won’t be able to get any study done. You must accept the fact that your tests are approaching faster than you anticipate. You may easily push yourself to accomplish extra work if you can do this.

Consistency — If you work hard for one week and then do nothing for the next two weeks, your average number of hours worked per day will be very low. As a result, if you want to increase your average daily hours, make sure you stay consistent, even if that means halting work and sleeping. This isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon.

Sleep – Ensure that you get at least 7/8 hours of sleep each night. Getting a good night’s sleep is as simple as waking up at the same time every day. If you are a late sleeper,don’t sleep in the next day. Make sure you get up at the same time you usually do.

Coffee – It has been scientifically demonstrated that coffee improves mental performance (check out my blog on scientifically proven study methods). You can avoid being addicted to coffee by drinking 3-4 cups per week while still reaping the benefits on days when you are sleepy.

Work in the morning — The greatest time to study, in my opinion, is first thing in the morning. Your brain is fresh after sleep and can work at a higher level for longer periods of time.

Make sure you don’t have any distractions nearby, such as your phone.Maintain a healthy lifestyle – Exercise and proper nutrition are essential for not just studying longer but also studying smarter (see below). It will help you maintain a constant level of energy throughout the day. Avoid eating too many sweet meals since you may experience a sugar crash later in the day, leaving you tired and unmotivated to work.

Avoid burnout by getting some fresh air and taking short breaks from your computer.

Plan – Having a decent plan ensures that you don’t squander your time.It’s the quality of the effort that counts, not the quantity. Learn how to study effectively so that your hard work does not go to waste.

How to Study More Effectively

Just because you have the ability to study for an extended period of time does not mean you should.

Make an effort to revise in a strategic manner.

Here are a few pointers to get you started:

Know the essentials – Whether you’re a medical student or not, you’ll need to understand the principles of your subject. You can’t learn the more complicated topics if you don’t know the basics.Use active recall and spaced repetition — for more information, see my blog on the subject.

Work on your weaknesses – You won’t be able to be the best if you only focus on your strengths. Exam takers understand that it’s not about mastering everything; it’s about being competent in all areas. we understand that working on your weak parts may appear simple, but remember this: if you do what is difficult, your life will be simple. Your life will be difficult if you do what is easy.


Finally, students pursuing MBBS in Nepal  put forth a lot of effort in their studies.

During peak exam season, they can study for an average of 3-10 hours per day, with a small percentage studying for more than 15 hours per day!

They don’t only work like horses all year round. They take breaks as needed and make sure they don’t go behind.

In the end, it doesn’t matter how many hours you work; what matters is what you accomplish.

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