Virinidhio appointed as Director of Medical School and Medical College


(First issue published date 2080.08.05)

According to Section 28 of the National Medical Education Act, 2075, the Medical Education Commission shall have three Directorates, namely the Directorate of Standards and Accreditation, the Directorate of Planning, Coordination and Clinical Development, the Directorate of Examinations and the National Board of Medical Specialties. According to sub-section (1) of 29, there is a provision to have one full-time director in each directorate or board to act as the head of the directorate or board of the Medical Education Commission. According to sub-section (6) of section 29 of the same act, there is a provision that there will be a recommendation committee under the coordination of a member of the National Planning Commission to recommend names for the appointment of the director. For the purposes of selecting and recommending candidates according to the Procedures of the Recommendation Committee Formed to Recommend Names for the Appointment of the Director of Medical Education Commission, 2080 approved by the said recommendation committee, interested Nepali citizens who have fulfilled the following qualifications must apply within 7 days from the date of publication of this notice. It is requested to submit the application within the office hours at the Ministry of Technology and Technology, Singhdarbar.

a) Personal statement 4 copies,

Copy of Certificate of Citizenship, b

c. Copy of educational qualification certificates,

(d) Directorate of Standards and Accreditation of Medical Education Commission, Planning Co-ordination and Directorate of Pragmatic Development, Directorate of Examinations and National Board of Medical Specialties.

Proof of listening skills.

  1. Copies of up to 10 research articles, works and publications related to the subject area published in national or international level journals, copy of proof of having given or received training related to the related field.

The letter of appointment appointed to the post of Professor or special B of the Government of Nepal and the details and evidence of the year, month and day of service in that post

(a) evidence of outstanding managerial skills and demonstrated professionalism and expertise in the relevant field;

(e) Self-declaration that he is not on the board of directors of any educational institution related to medical education, is not an investor or a shareholder, does not have any kind of conflict of interest with the Medical Education Commission (contactofer) and has a clean image.

(j) 3 copies of a vision paper of maximum 3000 three thousand words including a four-year professional action plan (Wistrus) related to assuming the leadership role of the directorate or board after becoming the director of the Medical Education Commission. The Vision Paper with the Professional Work Plan should be typed on one side of the page only, no identifying marks or signs should be used, and it should be submitted in a sealed manner.

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