
Every MEC exam that is conducted by this authoritative body is organized solely by them. The main admission for every MECEE exam in Nepal is extremely well-organized and conducted in a manner that is operated with strict vigil. In this blog, we will present you with a brief explanation of how the Medical Education Commission of Nepal operates with the admission process. An Indian student who is considered a foreign medical student has to go through certain processes that the MEC has laid out for a better screening and admission process. 

The processes that you, as an Indian student have to follow are explained in the next section of this blog. Make sure you see the entire content.

Let us elaborate on the admission process that the Medical Education Commission operates-

The admission process operated by the Medical Education Commission is highly objective-based. The steps regarding admission are laid out or announced by the board accordingly on their website. Additionally, we provide you with each and every detail regarding all the updates they share on their website. Depending on the scenario, the admission process is operated accordingly. As this Commission board is the representative of the Government of Nepal for medical studies in Nepal. Hence, every update they share is the final one. 

Admission process operated by MEC explained-

As the Medical Education Commission or popularly known as MEC governs the steps for taking admission to the medical college in Nepal. This blog aims to clarify the steps that you require for taking all the essential medical entrance examinations. First, the Indian students must clear their entrance examination that happens in India – this is NEET. After that, they have to apply to the respective portal of the entrance examinations and take up the dates. After they fill up the respective forms, then they must follow the guidelines passed by the Medical Education Commission. The dates are published thereafter. After the results come out, the immediate effect that Indian students have to follow is to apply for the interview process in their respective medical colleges. The approval of the MEC to sit for the respective interviews must be present with every candidate. 

This is how the admission process is operated by the Medical Education Commission. For furthermore details, you can always rely on us for a one-to-one session in the field of medical studies. Our expert panel expects your involvement. 

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