Scholarships and Financial Aid for International Students in Nepal’s Medical Colleges


Nepal has gained recognition as a hub for quality medical education, attracting students from around the world to pursue their MBBS studies. While the cost of education is relatively affordable in Nepal compared to other countries, many international students may still require financial assistance to fulfill their academic aspirations.

Let us discuss about Nepal’s Medical Colleges-

In this blog, we will explore the various scholarships and financial aid options available for international students seeking admission to medical colleges in Nepal.

Government Scholarships:

The Government of Nepal offers scholarships to international students through its Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology. These scholarships aim to promote educational exchange and cultural understanding. International students can apply for the scholarships offered by the Nepal government through their respective embassies or diplomatic missions in their home countries.

It is essential to check the specific eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and required documents for each scholarship program.

Institutional Scholarships:

Several medical colleges in Nepal offer scholarships and financial aid programs specifically designed for international students. These scholarships may be merit-based or need-based. Merit-based scholarships are awarded to students based on their academic performance, while need-based scholarships consider the financial circumstances of the student and their family.

It is advisable to research individual medical colleges to identify the scholarships they offer and their application requirements.

Bilateral and Multilateral Scholarships:

International students in Nepal may also be eligible for bilateral or multilateral scholarships funded by other countries, international organizations, or foundations. These scholarships are typically awarded based on diplomatic agreements, cooperation programs, or specific criteria set by the respective funding entities.

Students should explore scholarship opportunities available in their home countries or through international organizations that support educational initiatives.

External Scholarships and Grants:

International students can also explore external scholarships and grants provided by organizations, foundations, and corporations outside of Nepal. Many organizations around the world offer scholarships to support students’ educational pursuits in various countries, including Nepal.

These scholarships may be based on academic achievement, field of study, nationality, or specific criteria set by the funding organization. Students should actively search for such opportunities and carefully review the eligibility requirements and application procedures.

Financial Aid and Loans:

In addition to scholarships, international students may consider financial aid options and educational loans to fund their medical education in Nepal. Some financial institutions and organizations provide student loans specifically for international students studying abroad.

These loans can help cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other educational costs. It is advisable to thoroughly research the terms, conditions, and interest rates associated with educational loans before making a decision.


Financial constraints should not deter international students from pursuing their dream of studying medicine in Nepal. With a range of scholarships, financial aid programs, and educational loan options available, international students can find the necessary support to fulfill their academic goals.

It is crucial to explore the scholarships and financial aid opportunities offered by the Nepal government, medical colleges, bilateral/multilateral organizations, and external funding sources. Additionally, students should carefully review the eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and requirements for each scholarship or financial aid program.

By actively seeking out these opportunities, international students can turn their aspirations into reality and embark on a rewarding medical education journey in Nepal.

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