Centres for FMG Examination

1. The tentative list of cities where FMGE June 2021 session shall be conducted is as follows:

S. No. City S. No. City
1 Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar 26 Lucknow
2 Ajmer 27 Madurai
3 Aligarh 28 Meerut
4 Bengaluru 29 Mehsana
5 Bhopal 30 Mumbai
6 Bhubaneswar 31 Muzaffarnagar
7 Bikaner 32 Nagpur
8 Chandigarh/ Mohali 33 Patiala
9 Chennai 34 Patna
10 Coimbatore 35 Pune
11 Dehradun 36 Raipur
12 Delhi/NCR 37 Ranchi
13 Ernakulum 38 Roorkee
14 Gangtok 39 Shillong
15 Guwahati 40 Sikar
16 Hyderabad 41 Srinagar
17 Imphal 42 Thiruvananthapuram
18 Jammu 43 Thrissur
19 Jodhpur 44 Truchirappalli
20 Kannur 45 Vellore
21 Kohima 46 Visakhapatnam
22 Kolkata  
23 Kollam  
24 Kottayam  
25 Kozhikode  

2. The exact venue will be informed to the candidates through admit cards. The Candidates shall make their own arrangement for travel/boarding etc.

3. At the time of online submission of application form, the candidate will be required to choose the city in which he/she wants to take the test. The choice of city will depend on availability of the test centres in a particular city and the allotment shall be done on first come first serve basis.

4. During submission of online application form, candidate will be able to see only those cities where testing seats are available. While the city will be chosen by the candidate himself / herself at the time of online submission of application form, allotment of test centre/venue in the chosen city shall be done by NBE.

5. In case testing seat is not available in the State/UT in which the candidate prefers to appear in FMGE, he/she can choose the option OTHERS from the list of States/UTs at the time of selection of the State/UT during online submission of application form. NBE will make all efforts to ensure that the candidate is allotted a testing centre in the State of correspondence address of the candidate. In case testing seat is not available in the concerned State due to logistic, administrative or other reasons, testing centre in a nearby State shall be allocated. Candidates opting for OTHERS option shall be informed about their testing city by 20th May 2021.

6. Candidates will be informed regarding their test venue through the admit card.

7. Requests for change of testing centre / city shall not be entertained. Candidates are advised not to canvass for the same.


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