Scheme of FMG Examination

1. The examination consists of one paper, comprising 300 multiple choice, single correct response questions in English language only, delivered in two parts to be taken in a single day.

2. The examination shall be a multiple choice questions (MCQs) test delivered using computer network as per prescribed scheme.

3. Negative Marking: There shall be no negative marking.

4. Allocation of time for the FMGE shall be as follows:

Activities Part – I
(9:00 AM - 11:30 AM)
Part - II
(2:00 PM - 04:30 PM)
Allow Candidates to enter the examination centre and Commence Registration 07:00 AM 12:00 PM
Entry closes at Examination Center 08:30 AM 01:30 PM
Grant access for Candidate Login 08:45 AM 01:45 PM
Candidates log in to read instructions 08:50 AM 01:50 PM
Exam Start Time 09:00 AM 02:00 PM
Exam End Time 11:30 AM 04:30 PM
* FMGE is divided into two parts of 150 questions each with time allocation of 150 minutes for each part. There is a scheduled break between the two parts.

5. A candidate shall be declared as having passed only if he/she obtains a minimum of 150 marks out of 300 in the examination. Results (Pass/Fail) for eligible candidates will be displayed on NBE website. There is no provision for re-totaling/re-evaluation.

6. There are no restrictions on number of attempts that can be availed by a candidate. However, FMGE being a qualifying examination, once a a candidate qualifies the FMGE, he or she shall not be eligible to take the FMGE again. Any examination taken by a candidate in violation of this clause shall be treated as void and as cancelled.

7. Overview of Computer Based Test


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